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Santiago Ruilova

Participate in the Call For Papers for the Technical Track and Scientific Track of TICEC 2022

Learn how to obtain financing for scientific and applied research CEDIA and the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí – ULEAM, invite the scientific community to present their scientific articles in the Call for papers for the TICEC 2022 conference, which will be held from December 12 to 14. October in the city of Manta in […]

Participate in the Call For Papers for the Technical Track and Scientific Track of TICEC 2022 Read More »

Roadmap for the creation of Scientific-Technological-based enterprises in Higher Education institutions of Ecuador

The creation of spin-offs in the university field is proposed The winning project of the CEPRA XV-2021 call “Towards a systemic model for the creation of scientific-technological-based enterprises in higher education institutions in Ecuador”, carried out between the University of Cuenca, Yachay Experimental Technology Research University

Roadmap for the creation of Scientific-Technological-based ventures in Higher Education institutions of Ecuador Read More »

Fund 1 to 1 closes call

There are high-impact proposals in the market at the national level. The 1 to 1 FUND was born with the purpose of co-financing, together with public or private companies, viable and innovative solution proposals to real problems of companies, through research. and transfer of knowledge and technology

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REDU has a new president

We congratulate and wish success in the functions of Dr. María Augusta Hermida. On Friday, March 18 in the city of Cuenca, the renewal of the institutional agreement between CEDIA and the Ecuadorian Network of Universities for Research and Postgraduate Studies – REDU, said alliance, was carried out. establishes that CEDIA will be the organization in charge of

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Intellectual Property Week

Theme: IP and youth: Innovating for a better future With the aim of celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia ( CEDIA ), the National Intellectual Rights Service (SENADI ) and the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL), within the framework of

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National Invention Fair 2022

Academic event that will take place within the framework of Intellectual Property Week A proposal from CEDIA to make visible and recognize the work of the country's academic inventors, who have achieved scientific proposals that meet protection standards through patents and models of utility. The National Inventions Fair

National Invention Fair 2022 Read More »

CEDIA presented the second edition of the Virtual Café for Librarian's Day in Ecuador

The 10th edition will focus on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development and ICT. Last February, we developed the event called Virtual Café in Commemoration of Librarian's Day. In this space, Ecuadorian librarians were celebrated and there was dialogue about the experiences and reflections of the Academic Library. Through

CEDIA presented the second edition of the Virtual Café for Librarian's Day in Ecuador Read More »

TICEC opens its Call for Papers

The 10th edition will focus on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development and ICT This year the TICEC celebrates its tenth edition. The most important event in Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador will be held at the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí. We invite all researchers, teachers and students

TICEC opens its Call for Papers Read More »