Institutes R&D&i Fund

The R&D&i Fund, formerly known as the Ecuadorian CEPRA Project Competition, is one of our oldest funds.

Its objective is to finance collaborative research, development and innovation projects, focused on any branch of knowledge of at least three of our member institutes located in different places in the country.


How does it work?

The next call will open in May 2023, we provide comprehensive support divided into two phases, in the first we offer mentoring for the development of the project and in the second, financing is granted. The fund lasts one year and the maximum amount is $8,250, which includes mentoring and project financing.


  1. Provides funding for research projects.
  2. It offers technological resources for universities.
  3. Accompaniment of a multidisciplinary team for the execution of the project as PMO, in addition, we provide advice on VTIC, intellectual property and dissemination.

How to apply?

Contestable benefit . cedia so through