Submit your article until July 12!

The TICEC is the most important congress on Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador. This year it will be held virtually, currently, the congress is in the last days of receiving articles for technical and scientific tracks.
In this edition, the articles accepted in the scientific track will be published in the Springer proceedings with Scopus indexing and the articles accepted in the Technical track will be published in the Ingenius journal with Latindex indexing. The dates of the event are from November 25 to 27, 2020 through our digital platforms.
• Submission of articles : until Sunday, July 12, 2020
• Notification to authors : August 14, 2020
• Submission of the final version : August 30, 2020
• Conference date : November 25-27, 2020
you can write to: or visit our website: cedia ://ticec. cedia _