Avante Fund

Training in BIPLOT Techniques for Advanced Analysis of Multivariate Data.

Status: Completed General Objective: Train teacher-researchers involved in the area of ​​statistics and in Research, of Higher Education Institutions, assigned to this proposal in Biplot Techniques for Advanced Analysis of Multivariate data; through theoretical/practical classes, in the hybrid modality (in-person and virtual) Participants: ESPOL, UG, ESPOCH Project director: […]

Training in BIPLOT Techniques for Advanced Analysis of Multivariate Data. Read more "

Advanced Numerical Methods Applied in Engineering

Status: Completed General Objective: Train teachers and researchers from participating Higher Education Institutions in order to provide different numerical methods to be implemented in applications in different areas of Engineering, namely: Electronics, Mechatronics, Robotics, among others. Specific Objective: Participants: ESPE, UTI, ESPOCH Project Director: Jorge Saúl Sánchez Mosquera Researchers: Budget

Advanced Numerical Methods Applied in Engineering Read more »

Treatment, use and valorization of solid organic waste from urban and rural sectors of the provinces of Loja and Azuay.

Status: Completed General Objective: Establish a technical-scientific training program in appropriate technologies for the use, recovery and treatment of organic solid waste, through the articulation of inter-university projects framed in the circular economy. Participants: UTPL, UPS, UNL Project director: Researchers: Awarded budget: $10,000

Treatment, use and valorization of solid organic waste from urban and rural sectors of the provinces of Loja and Azuay. Read more "

Strategies for the conservation and promotion of cultural, historical and ethnographic heritage. Perspectives on artificial intelligence, technology and citizenship.

Status: Completed General Objective: Develop a training program on the generation of technological supports focused on the conservation, management and promotion of heritage assets and spaces. The axis of the training focuses on the analysis of the potential of using artificial intelligence techniques in the processes of digitization, labeling, recommendation, narratives and translation

Strategies for the conservation and promotion of cultural, historical and ethnographic heritage. Perspectives on artificial intelligence, technology and citizenship. Read more "

II International Course on Medicinal Chemistry and rational evaluation in relation to various pharmacological targets and their biological applications

Status: Completed General Objective: General Objective: Provide an updated vision of concepts, methods and tools of Medical Chemistry focused on the search and design of anti-infective agents. Participants: PUCE, UCUENCA Project director: Lorena Meneses Olmedo Researchers: Awarded budget: $10,000

II International Course on Medicinal Chemistry and rational evaluation in relation to various pharmacological targets and their biological applications Read more »

New control and automation techniques for continuous systems based on events and IEC 61499 standard

Status: Completed General Objective: Know and apply new control and automation techniques for continuous systems based on events and the IEC 61499 standard by carrying out theoretical and practical training to strengthen the skills and knowledge of participating teachers and researchers, and belonging to the careers and engineering areas in Electronics, Control and Automation

New control and automation techniques for continuous systems based on events and IEC 61499 standard Read more »

Land Administration, Multipurpose Cadastre and the ISO LADM 19152 model

Status: Completed General Objective: Train Ecuadorian academia in the concept of land administration so that lines of applied research on cadastral issues are generated using standards recognized by international organizations such as UN-Habitat, FAO, ISO, FIG, among others. Specific Objectives: Participants: UCACUE, ESPE Project Director: Boris Orellana Researchers: Rodolfo Salazar Awarded Budget: $10,000

Land Administration, Multipurpose Cadastre and the ISO LADM 19152 model Read more »

Bio/chemical processes for valorization of biomass and waste within the framework of the bioeconomy.

Status: Completed General Objective: Provide an introduction to biochemical and chemical processes applied to the bioeconomy, starting from the concept of valorization to continue with the foundations of biochemical and chemical processes, up to the most relevant advanced ones applied to the bioeconomy for valorization of waste and materials premiums to valuable products (chemical compounds, materials, energy, etc.) Participants: UTM,

Bio/chemical processes for valorization of biomass and waste within the framework of the bioeconomy. Read more "