Avante Fund

E-Science: Semantic technologies for information representation, integration and control, and mobile computing: Location-based services and mobile agent systems

Status: Completed General Objective: Provide the scientific and practical basis on the theoretical, methodological and technological foundations to support the representation, integration, control, distribution and consultation of data from distributed and heterogeneous sources. Participants: Organizers: Research Area: Contents:

E-Science: Semantic technologies for the representation, integration and control of information, and mobile computing: Location-based services and mobile agent systems Read more »

Advanced Middleware Techniques

Status: Completed General Objective: The objective of this program is to offer a comprehensive study of the concepts associated with middleware. On the one hand, the aim is for the student to become familiar with the concept of middleware itself, existing typologies, current applications, market and commercial tools. The course will address the most advanced techniques in the construction of

Advanced Middleware Techniques Read More »

Fundamentals and practical applications of knowledge discovery in databases

Status: Completed General Objective: The objective sought with this training is to ensure that participants understand the concepts on which knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) and Data Mining are based and can put them into practice to find relevant knowledge contained in said data. Participants: Organizers: Areas

Fundamentals and Practical Applications of Knowledge Discovery in Databases Read More »

Course in Spatial Syntax

Status: Completed General Objective: Analysis of the spatial behavior of the population and its interaction with the urban space, for this they will explore software implementations in which the different studies can be carried out. Participants: Link: Course in Space Syntax Speaker – Margarita GreeneArchitectProfessor at the Catholic University of Santiago de Chile Speaker – Rodrigo Mora VegaArchitectProfessor

Spatial Syntax Course Read More »

Semantic Technology

Status: Completed General Objective: Provide the scientific and practical basis on the theoretical, methodological and technological foundations of linked data in the domain of Libraries and digital repositories. Participants: Link: Semantic Technology Speaker – David Vila SueroPhD candidate, researcher and developer in the Ontological Engineering Group (OEG), of the Polytechnic University of Madrid

Semantic Technology Read More »

Simulation of routing protocols for ADHOC mobile networks using the NS-3 simulation tool

Status: Completed General Objective: Evaluate routing protocols in Ad-Hoc mobile networks, using the NS-3 simulation tool. Participants: Link: Simulation of Routing Protocols for AdHoc Mobile Networks Using the NS-3 Simulation Tool Speaker – Dr. Marta Solera Delgado Graduated in Telecommunications Engineering since 1996 and PhD from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Simulation of routing protocols for ADHOC mobile networks using the NS-3 simulation tool Read More »

Astroparticles in Lake: Cosmic Rays, GRBS and Solar Physics

Status: Completed General Objective: Train Ecuadorian researchers and potential researchers in theoretical and experimental particle astrophysics, to promote cutting-edge research in the area and related areas, especially using Cherenkov water tanks under the Latin American project LAGO (Large Aperture Gamma Ray Burst Observatory). Participants: Link: Astroparticles in LAGO Exhibitor – Hernán AsoreyDoctor

Astroparticles in Lake: Cosmic Rays, GRBS and Solar Physics Read More »

Distributed systems: Coordination problems in environments prone to equipment crashes and network failures

Status: Completed General Objective: Study the resolution of coordination problems within distributed systems that support cloud computing. To do this, we are going to focus on presenting the state of the art and the main advances related to aspects such as: Consensus, Fault Detectors. Participants: Link: Distributed Systems Exhibitor –

Distributed systems: Coordination problems in environments prone to equipment crashes and network failures Read More »