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CEPRA I 2009

Design of a scalable solution for the network infrastructure for the provision of multimedia services over IP over theCEDIA network in order to facilitate the interaction of the virtual scientific communities that are part of the consortium

General Objective: Design a scalable network infrastructure that meets the necessary requirements for the provision of multimedia services over IP over theCEDIANetwork. Specific Objectives: Participants: Awarded budget: $30,600 Project status: Completed

Design of a scalable network infrastructure solution for the provision of multimedia services over IP over the CEDIA with the purpose of facilitating the interaction of the virtual scientific communities that are part of the consortium Read more »

NotiCEDIA Digital in the Ecuadorian Advanced Network

General Objective: Implement a digital newscast for the CEDIAnetwork, using the channel of the Ecuadorian advanced network, which will provide a digital and automatic alternative for the communication and dissemination of news referring to the world, the country, the region, the universities; facilitating access to information on research projects that are being developed

Noti CEDIA Digital in the Ecuadorian Advanced Network Read More »