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Strengthening and Consolidation of the Ecuadorian Group for the Experimental and Theoretical Study of Nanosystems GETNano UTPL-EPT-USFQ-ESPOCH

General Objective: Strengthening and Consolidation of the Ecuadorian Group for the Experimental and Theoretical Study of GETNano Nanosystems formed by UTPL-EPN-USFQ-ESPOCH, within the framework of the 4th call. Specific Objectives: Participants: Project status: Completed Project website: www.utpl.edu.ec/getnano Articles published by GETNano during the CEPRA VI Project: Manzano, S., Zambrano, CH, Mendez, MA, Dueno, E .

Strengthening and Consolidation of the Ecuadorian Group for the Experimental and Theoretical Study of Nanosystems GETNano UTPL-EPT-USFQ-ESPOCH Read More »