Approximately 15,265 people have been trained in the month of May alone.

As part of our management and support for society when the global health crisis due to COVID began, CEDIA, through its Academic area, held various events such as webinars, training on different topics, the same ones that aim to train teachers, researchers, librarians, technicians , students from our member institutions and the general public.
Our Continuous Training School - EFC, applying new teaching and learning modalities, put into practice the live transmission of Webinars through our social networks @CEDIAEC on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, generating a total of 34 FREE webinars until the end of May. The virtual events reached a total of 7,152 participants in the different themes presented by the School, which aim to promote virtual education in the country.
Among the events for CEDIAMember Institutions, 21 FREE webinars and 27 bibliographic services training were held. As part of the collaborative activities with our database providers, the dissemination of training on the use and application of their bibliographic services to our members was requested, events in which a total of 8,113 people have been trained in bibliographic platforms of academic interest.
As a management indicator, it can be mentioned that by the end of May the CEDIA Academy area had trained a total of 15,265 people.
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