CEDIA and the University of Cuenca signed the TICEC2023 agreement

This year the conference will take place from October 18 to 20.

Every year researchers, students and professionals in the field of ICTs share knowledge, knowledge and experiences on the design, development and application of ICTs in the most important conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador - TICEC, organized by CEDIA.

For this 2023, we have partnered with the Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies - LACLO, which discusses the latest trends and advances in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Cyber ​​Security, Technologies for Education, Big Data, to share space and develop the two conferences. from October 18 to 20.

For this reason, on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the cooperation agreement was signed with the University of Cuenca to co-organize the TICEC and LACLO conference, and to develop the event at the university facilities.

Within the scheduled agenda, we will have the presentation of articles in the Scientific and Technical Tracks, as well as practical Tutorials and Workshops that are aligned with the themes of ICT and its applications, Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence and software.

In its last edition, the TICEC received contributions from more than 200 authors from 11 countries. In this new edition we hope, together with LACLO, to reach many more, but without neglecting our rigor, which has allowed us to maintain an acceptance rate below 40%.

We invite you to participate and learn more on the website https://ticec2023. cedia _
