CEDIA Awards 2023: The route to magic

This year the awards ceremony took place in Cuenca, within the framework of the 11th edition of the TICEC.

Under the theme The route to magic CEDIA took place on October 19 . An event that once again recognized the outstanding work of our members, researchers and collaborators.

With this annual award, CEDIA recognizes and promotes a culture of science, innovation and academic development in Ecuador. In this edition, the award ceremony took place in Cuenca, within the framework of the 11th edition of the TICEC, and rectors, researchers, technology directors and public authorities participated.

The CEDIA Awards 2023 were made up of 12 categories, each with a winner:

Best use of University benefits: University of Cuenca.

Best use of benefits Institutes: Bolivarian Technological Institute.

Better use of School benefits: National Council of Salesian Education – CONESA.

Outstanding institution in the use of Technology benefits: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.

Outstanding institution in the use of Academy benefits: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.

Outstanding institution in the use of Innovation benefits: Private Technical University of Loja.

Outstanding institution in the use of Research benefits: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral.

Best researcher: Andrés Robalino, National Polytechnic School.

CEDIA Ambassador : Galo Nina, European Union.

CEDIA Performance : Gabriela Cáceres.

CEDIA Rookie Performance : Jorge Bermeo.

Featured Area: Communications and Marketing.

The CEDIA Awards have become the most important award in science, technology and innovation. Through this event, CEDIA thanks and promotes the committed work of the entire academic community that is transforming the country's academia.
