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CEDIA carries out a virtual training on the services and technological infrastructure that it provides to UDLA

Students and teachers of the subjects Network Administration and Evaluation and Network Services Administration received said training

In order to strengthen the academic process of the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences (FICA) of the University of Las Américas in the subjects of Administration and Evaluation of Networks and Administration of Network Services, the area of ​​Technology of CEDIA carried out a training where they visited us virtually and learned about the services and infrastructure that the Corporation provides for being our members.

The services that were announced were the following:

• Infrastructure for provisioning the Internet at a National level
• Advanced Network Infrastructure for research purposes
• CLOUD provisioning infrastructure
• Network operation monitoring systems
• WAN level routing protocols
• Eduroam infrastructure
• Servers for container infrastructure

We invite our members to learn more about the academic services for their benefit in order to become familiar and thus strengthen the learning processes of students and the academic community in general.

Learn more about the services of our technology area by entering: following link
