Workshops, trainings and more technology transfer and knowledge events were held during the Intellectual Property Week - Innovate for a green future. "The relevance of green and the commitment of the university".

With the aim of celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia - CEDIA , the Ecuadorian Intellectual Property Office - SENADI and the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí ULEAM organized the Week of Intellectual Property – Innovate for a green future. "The relevance of green and the commitment of the university" Ecuador edition, event which took place on April 22, 23 and 24, 2020.
As every year, WIPO celebrates World Intellectual Property Day on April 26; As CEDIA a corporation linked to the development of innovation, we join this celebration through the management of various academic spaces that promote technology and knowledge transfer.
Within the framework of the event, approximately 12 training sessions were held on different topics focused on intellectual property and its application to green technology.
Additionally, the Intellectual Property week was provided as the ideal space to carry out the official launch of the CONNECT magazine, a document that became the first Ecuadorian magazine on surveillance and technology transfer for innovation. GreenTech and FinTech theme was exposed . For those interested in learning more about each of the previous editions generated by the CEDIA Innovation and Technology Transfer area, CEDIA can enter the following download link: https://bit .ly/2znnU3X
The event included, on the other hand, the generation of an Inventions Fair, a parallel event in which several CEDIA member institutions CEDIA by presenting scientific posters from researchers and technicians from their institutions, in said call a total of 34 proposals, of which 22 of them had the participation of women, thus confirming that CEDIA generates open spaces for gender equality in science.
Among the award-winning categories were:
Category: Best Academic Invention
Rewards the Inventions presented at the fair, which demonstrate their potential as creations, considering their ability to solve technical problems, as well as their registration and protection potential, without evaluating their market value.
Category in which the National Polytechnic School was awarded by presenting its poster called: "Obtaining hydrolyzed keratin from chicken feathers irradiated with an accelerated electron beam" whose authors are: Juan Patricio Castillo Domínguez, Gabriela Elizabeth Mendieta Orellana, Marco Vinicio Sinche Serra.
- Third place: “Pharmaceutical composition in the form of a Marco (Ambrosia arborescens) nanoemulsion with antioxidant, antitumor and anti-inflammatory activity”.
Inventors: Orestes Darío López Hernández, Yunis Pérez Betancourt, Viviana Elizabeth Ruiz Bonilla.
Academic organization: UTA. - Second place: “Calligraphic Guidance Device”.
Inventors: Pablo Vicente Torres Carrión, Cristian Ramírez Betancourt, María Magdalena Guajala Michay, Darío Javier Cruz Sarmiento, Juan Carlos Torres Díaz.
Academic organization: UTPL. - First place and winner of the category: "Obtaining hydrolyzed keratin from chicken feathers irradiated with a beam of accelerated electrons."
Inventors: Juan Patricio Castillo Domínguez, Gabriela Elizabeth Mendieta Orellana, Marco Vinicio Sinche Serra.
Academic organization: EPN.
Best Innovative Invention:
This category rewards the inventions presented that demonstrate the management capacity of their owners, promoting the use, commercialization and real exploitation of their creation by effectively transferring it to the market and society.
Category in which the Escuela Politécnica Nacional was awarded by presenting its poster called: “LPG remote monitoring system in stationary tanks”. Whose authors are: Darwin Patricio Contento Ortega, Johan Nicolás Suárez Loján, María Cecilia Luna Alvarado, Juan Andrés Apolo Gonzaga, Lenin Patricio Jiménez Jiménez, José Alberto Cumbicos Romero
Inventors: Darwin Patricio Contento Ortega, Johan Nicolás Suárez Loján, María Cecilia Luna Alvarado, Lenín Patricio Jiménez Jiménez, José Alberto Cumbicos Romero, Juan Andrés Apolo Gonzaga.
Academic organization: UTPL. - Second place: "Obtaining hydrolyzed keratin from chicken feathers irradiated with a beam of accelerated electrons."
Inventors: Juan Patricio Castillo Domínguez, Gabriela Elizabeth Mendieta Orellana, Marco Vinicio Sinche Serra.
Academic organization: EPN. - First place and winner of the category: “LPG REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEM IN STATIONARY TANKS”.
Inventors: Darwin Patricio Contento Ortega, Johan Nicolás Suárez Loján, María Cecilia Luna Alvarado, Juan Andrés Apolo Gonzaga, Lenin Patricio Jiménez Jiménez, José Alberto Cumbicos Romero.
Academic organization: UTPL.
Category: GREENTECH Mention
CEDIA , SENADI and ULEAM have joined the Best Academic Invention Category, as Best Innovative Academic Invention.
In this category, a special mention was made by the Inventions Fair to the Escuela Politécnica Nacional for obtaining recognition in the category of Best Academic Invention and Best Innovative Academic Invention with the following proposals:
- Green Tech Mention in the Best Academic Invention category:
“Obtaining hydrolyzed keratin from chicken feathers irradiated with a beam of accelerated electrons”.
Inventors: Juan Patricio Castillo Domínguez, Gabriela Elizabeth Mendieta Orellana, Marco Vinicio Sinche Serra. - Green Tech Mention in the Best Innovative Academic Invention category.
“Obtaining hydrolyzed keratin from chicken feathers irradiated with a beam of accelerated electrons”.
Inventors: Juan Patricio Castillo Domínguez, Gabriela Elizabeth Mendieta Orellana, Marco Vinicio Sinche Serra.
Category: Best Academic Inventor
The Best Academic Inventor 2020 Category rewards the highest-scoring Academic Inventor, the result of his academic and inventive production, including the number of inventions presented to the Fair. This Category rewards male and female inventors separately, rescuing the CEDIA of promoting gender equality in scientific production
In this category the recognition was granted to:
- Best Academic Inventor 2020:
Michelle Gabriela Romero Escobar from the Institute for Geological and Energy Research (IIGE) - Best academic inventor 2020:
Carlos Alberto Calderón Córdova from the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL)
Category: Best Academic Inventor
The Best Academic Manager Category rewards those people who allow inventors and holders to properly manage their inventions, considering their number of efforts, experience and the assessment that inventors make of their collaboration. CEDIA is pleased to present this category and recognize those who are often not visible in their daunting task. Rewarding the Best Manager and the Best Academic Manager of Inventions 2020.
In the Best Academic Inventor category, recognition was given to:
- Best Academic Manager 2020:
Lilia del Carmen Garrido Torres - Best Academic Manager 2020:
Eduardo Mauricio Eguiguren Luzuriaga
Category: Academic Organization with Greatest Inventions presented to the Fair
The Academic Organization with Greatest Inventions Category presented at the Fair, seeks to recognize, motivate and reward all Academic Organizations, which as a result of their management and policies, have increased the number of registrations of Academic Inventions, which will allow the Development of Science and Technology in Ecuador to be put at the service of Society and the Productive Sector, in increasingly better conditions.
In this category, the first, second and third place were awarded, with the following institutions receiving the recognitions:
- Third Place: Geological and Energy Research Institute
- Second Place: National Polytechnic School
- First Place and winner of the mention: Private Technical University of Loja
Thus, the first edition of the Ecuador edition of the Intellectual Property Week was concluded, in which CEDIA , SENADI, the Technology and Innovation Support Centers of Ecuador and the Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University congratulate the winners and the attendees of this event, for promoting spaces for technology and knowledge transfer, events that intend to set future precedents for science, technology and innovation in Ecuador.
you want to know more about the events that took place during the Intellectual Property week in Ecuador, we invite you to visit the following link cedia