Commissioning of the new 100G Backbone for theCEDIA Network in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca

The new Backbone allows expanding the information transport capabilities between the three cities

As part of CEDIA 's investment project execution to maintain the latest trends in its connectivity service for its member institutions, a new redundant 100G backbone was implemented between the cities of Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca.

This new backbone makes it possible to expand the information transport capacities between the three cities, and adds a new layer of redundancy to the current network to increase the availability of the RedAVANZADA service that is distributed between these points, and through these, to all the cities with their own network presence.

Since the first quarter of 2023, this new 100G Backbone has been operational, primarily interconnecting the international capacities that we manage in each city for distribution to CEDIAmembers, as well as the new capacities of theCEDIA Cloud, which also has a 100G uplink. to optimize the access of these resources to the entire CEDIAmember community.
