CEDIA 's own network expands its service
Udecide as an online electronic voting system for CEDIA members Through the network expansion project carried out in 2022, the national presence with its own network was increased in the

Third successful electoral process carried out with UDECIDE in the year 2022
Udecide as an online electronic voting system for CEDIA members During the year 2022, the use pilot stage of the online electronic voting platform was carried out, the same as

Treatment, use and recovery of organic solid waste
This new training program has a guarantee of 60 hours. In Ecuador, more than 50% of municipal organic waste corresponds to organic waste. In addition, one of the main economic activities is agroindustry.

CRISPR-CAS9 as a yeast gene editing tool
This new training will take place in person in Quito Genome editing is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change the DNA of an organism. These technologies

Successful participation of CEDIA in the Latin American meeting of academic networks
Montevideo was the venue for the 2022 meeting of academic networks in Latin America and the Caribbean On November 14, the event "Open Dialogues for the

Wolfram Alpha Pro in Spanish, Mathematica and System Modeler available free of charge in Ecuador
One of the most successful editions of the Congress took place from October 14 to 16. Wolfram has extended the term of free licenses for CEDIAmember institutions. The extension expires on the 15th

TICEC celebrates 10 years
From October 14 to 16, one of the most successful editions of the Congress took place From October 14 to 16, the tenth edition of the TICEC 2022 International Congress was held at the University

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