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Financing in IDi did not stop in 2020

More than 117 proposals were received for the CEPRA XV Call. The Ecuadorian CEPRA Project Competition that aims to finance Research, Development and Innovation (IDi) projects in different areas of knowledge and

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Network expansion project

CEDIA manages to connect 30 new offices to its own IP/MPLS NETWORK. CEDIA , with an investment close to 900 thousand USD, has just finished its network expansion project for the year 2020, managing to connect

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EFC courses February 2021

The CEDIA Continuing Education School invites you to participate in the Online and Virtual courses for the month of February 2021. Learn more about our academic offer by visiting our EFC website

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Virtual event 593 TrendLab E-Commerce

Learn about the impact of E-Commerce at the hands of our experts. 593 TrendLab is the first Technological Trends laboratory in Ecuador that allows analyzing trends that lead to the creation of ideas and

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