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Data processing through the use of quantum computers

General Objective: Use the advanced processing capacity of quantum computers to analyze and correlate large volumes of climate and water quality data, in order to develop accurate predictive models that allow for more effective planning and a faster response to risks. climate and public health.

Specific objectives:

  • Analyze real climate data in Ecuador to identify the behavior of the climate in the Loja and Chimborazo provinces and create a model for the quantum computer.
    • Implement the quantum variational algorithm for the analysis of current data from Ecuador, considering different types of parameterization.
      • Indicator n.1: Quantum algorithm implemented in Qiskit Python.
    • Creation of a climate prediction model based on the information obtained through the quantum variational algorithm.
      • Indicator n.2: Results obtained during execution.
      • Indicator n.3: The publication manuscript for a Scopus journal.
  • Modeling the spread of bacterial infection in the country's rivers using a QUBO algorithm.
    • Develop a QUBO quantum algorithm to detect correlation between different water parameters in different rivers.
      • Indicator n.1: Quantum algorithm implemented in Qiskit/Ocean Python.
    • Execution of the developed algorithm on quantum processors to analyze current aqua data and predict future infection development.
      • Indicator n.2: Results obtained during execution.
      • Indicator n.3: The manuscript of a publication for a Scopus journal.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Jiří Svozilík

  • Arquímides Xavier Haro Velasteguí
  • Yesenia Elizabeth Cevallos Villacrés
  • Paola Gabriela Vinueza Naranjo
  • Eduardo Javier Holguín Weber
  • Oscar Amable Vivanco Galván
  • Silvio David Aguilar Ramírez
  • Cristian Isaac Vacacela Gomez
  • Stefano Bellucci

Awarded budget: $20950,00

Project status: In process