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Development of food packaging materials with antioxidant properties from capulí extract (Prunus serotina)

General Objective: Develop an eco-friendly food packaging material with antioxidant capacity from capouli extract (Prunus serotina).

Specific objectives:

  • Obtain extracts from the capulí fruit through a solid-liquid extraction using alcoholic, hydroalcoholic and aqueous solvents.
  • Determine the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of capulí extracts.
  • Prepare an eco-friendly polymeric packaging material with antioxidant capacity using the casting technique.
  • Evaluate the activity of the eco-friendly packaging material through release tests of antioxidant compounds towards different food simulants.
  • Evaluate the morphological, optical, structural and thermal properties of food packaging material.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Cristian Javier Patiño Vidal

  • Cristina Alejandra Muñoz Shugulí
  • Marcelo de Jesús Patiño Cabrera
  • Monica Lilian Andrade Avalos
  • Ana Carolina López de Dicastillo Bergamo

Awarded budget: $27613,00

Project status: In process