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Eagora Science by GKA presents new platform

The friendly platform for universities and  institutes.

Global Knowledge Academics is now Eagora Science by GKA, a friendly digital platform that allows access to magazines, books and a video library on various topics. 

The platform offers: 

  • International scientific committees made up of prestigious academics from the five continents. 
  • Magazines with the highest quality standards indexed in databases. 
  • Rigorous double-blind peer review process carried out by external evaluators to guarantee the publication of works of the highest scientific quality. 
  • The electronic versions of the articles are published immediately and continuously on the web platform. 
  • The contents of the journals are available in open access 24 months after their online publication. 
  • Catalog with more than 1,309 videos of academic seminars and conferences. 
  • McGraw Hill Collection. 

CEDIA member universities and institutes , accessing through the following link: www.eagora.org . Any information about Eagora Science by GKA can be done by writing cedia basesdedatos@cedia.org.ec . 
