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Evaluation and optimization of satellite precipitation and temperature products in binational basins of Ecuador and Peru.

General Objective: The objective of this project is to evaluate and optimize precipitation and temperature satellite products using surface meteorological information in order to generate a reliable database for application in environmental and hydrological studies in the binational basins between Ecuador and Peru

Specific objectives:

  • Compile and process precipitation and temperature data from satellite products and meteorological stations in the Catamayo-Chira and MayoChinchipe binational basins.
  • Evaluate the performance of satellite products by comparing with surface data to determine the best performing product.
  • Optimize the best performing satellite product, correcting for bias on a monthly scale using adjustment equations based on surface information.
  • Generate a free access spatio-temporal database based on the optimized satellite products.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Luis Felipe Duque Yaguache

  • Andreas Erwin Fries
  • Juan Armando Maita Chamba
  • Natalia Soledad Samaniego Rojas
  • Gabriel Vicente Gaona Gaona
  • Luis Eduardo Balcázar Ordóñez
  • Khalidou Mamadou Bâ
  • Candy Lisbeth Ocaña Zúñiga
  • Saula Verónica Minga León

Awarded budget: $27500,00

Project status: In process