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Functional diets based on carotenoids derived from two species of microalgae to improve the productivity and health of fish (oncorhynchus mykiss) in initial stages

General Objective: Evaluate the carotenoid content in the microalgae Spirulina, and Dunaliella sp. and their impact as functional diets in fish during their initial stages.

Specific objectives:

  • Assess the cultivation protocols Dunaliella sp. and Spirulina for the synthesis and production of carotenoids in two species of microalgae isolated from the Santa Elena Peninsula and the Cayambe Coca Reserve.
  • Quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the concentration and type of carotenoids present in the biomass of microalgae using high-resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC).
  • Develop functional diets with the microalgae Dunaliella sp and Spirulina to assess the health status of trout fry.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Isabel Janeth Galarza Tipán

  • Juan Cristóbal Ortiz Tirado
  • CarlosRodrigo Jácome Pilco
  • Jimmy Agustín Villón Moreno
  • Franz Patricio Verdesoto Mendoza

Awarded budget: $32999,90

Project status: In process