More than 117 proposals were received for the CEPRA XV Call.

The Ecuadorian CEPRA Project Competition, which aims to finance Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) projects in different areas of knowledge and that contribute to the scientific, technological and productive community of the country, was opened on July 27 2020. In this call, national researchers from our member institutions presented their proposals for funding.
After the completion of the call, we can mention with pleasure that around 117 proposals were obtained, of which 19 were selected for adjudication, that is, it increased by 72% in relation to the previous call; marking a milestone in the program and in CEDIA.
For the Corporation it is gratifying to comment that in the current context it has been the only national institution that has contributed and promoted development, science and technology in Ecuador through its various funding programs for researchers.
If you want to know more about our CEPRA program, we ask you to enter the following link .