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Identification of biogeochemical and hydrological processes in wetlands using stable isotope techniques: comparing páramo and Amazonian ecosystems in southern Ecuador for greenhouse gas mitigation

General Objective: Identify biogeochemical and hydrological processes in wetlands with stable isotope techniques in the páramo and the Amazon of southern Ecuador to propose lines of conservation and eventual generation of public policy.

Specific objectives

  • Determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils in the three types of wetlands using basic analysis techniques and isotopic techniques to establish specific characteristics and conditions of the wetlands.
  • Evaluate the soil-atmosphere flow of the concentrations of NO3- and N2O dissolved in the wetland water using chromatographic and gas exchange techniques to determine the production or capture of gases.
  • Evaluate the alterations in the hydrological processes of the wetlands due to the change in land use through physical, chemical and geological analyzes to determine impacts on the conditions and nature of the wetland.
  • Evaluate and compare the biogeochemical processes in three wetlands in southern Ecuador by using isotopic techniques to characterize the different conditions in which these processes take place.
  • Evaluate water quality, residence time and aquifer connections using geological techniques and stable isotope analysis to determine flows and sources of water recharge.
  • Define lines of action or intervention in the community.

Participating Institutions:

UTA, UCACUE, University of Bayreuth.


Project Director Gustavo Chacón Vintimilla, PhD. In Biology – UDA.

  • Silvia Parra
  • mario suarez
  • Andres Avila
  • Ximena Portilla Delgado
  • Jasmine Salazar Orellana
  • Juan Jose Vazquez
  • Antonio Malo Larrea
  • Raphael Garcia
  • Andrea Carminati

Awarded budget: $48876

Project status: Signing of agreements.