Implementation of a computer laboratory for the calculation of material properties

General Objective: Put into operation a high-performance computing system: cluster of processors that work in parallel to which specialized software will be installed for simulating systems of scientific and/or technological interest. The implementation of this cluster will allow the study of a wide range of material properties that can be: electronic, magnetic, optical, photoelectric and catalytic.

Specific objectives:

  • Implementation of a computer laboratory, whose server is located at the Private Technical University of Loja, to which you will have virtual access from terminals at the National Polytechnic School and the National University of Chimborazo, remotely connected using the potential of theCEDIANetwork.
  • Exchange of information between the parties, through travel and electronic and telephone communication to share the progress made in the proposed research topics.
  • Training of UTPL members to counterparts with experimental experience in surface sciences, for the modeling of their systems, calculation of properties and analysis and interpretation of the results. For which, visits will be made to the laboratories of the centers involved in this project.
  • Open seminar where experts from other countries will participate, who will present the advances achieved using computational resources for the calculation of properties and the impact it has had on the development of science and technology, is proposed as an additional event of the XVI Latin American Student Congress Chemical Engineering, which will be held from July 26 to 31, 2010 at the UTPL facilities and which has among its thematic axes, the use of computational tools in Chemistry. CEDIA members will be invited to participate in this seminar, in person or virtually, for which the connection resources of theCEDIANetwork will be required. Address experimental and computational research on topics of scientific and technological interest, related to surfaces and interfaces, for example, the surface modifications of certain materials that allow their application in solar cells and the effects of the interaction between laser light and surfaces to understand the phenomena. fundamentals of certain analytical techniques such as LDI and LIBS spectroscopies (for its acronym in English for Laser Desorption and lonization and Laser-induced Breakdown Spectrosocopy, respectively), among other topics.


  • ESPOL: Ing. Gabriel Astudillo
  • UCE: Eng. Francisco Valverde
  • UCUENCA: Eng. Rodrigo Padilla

Awarded budget: $30000

Project status: Finished