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The X edition of TICEC invites you to participate in the II Doctoral Symposium


The TICEC 2022 Congress invites authors to present their original contributions at the II Doctoral Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies - DSICT 2022. This event will take place from October 12 to 14 in Manta - Ecuador.

The Doctoral Symposium brings together doctoral students, doctoral students and thesis directors to present the new discoveries in Information and Communication Technologies through the exhibition, discussion and publication of scientific articles.

Participants will benefit from feedback from our international program committee and will greatly expand their network of contacts. All presenters will receive a certificate of participation as exhibitors in the event and their accepted articles will be published in an exclusive volume of DSICT 2022 indexed by Scopus.

Important dates:
• Submission deadline: July 23
• Acceptance notification: August 23 to 20
• Author registration: August 28
• Delivery of the work ready for the camera: August 28
• Symposium dates: October 12 – 14

Proceedings of DSICT 2022 will be published in the Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS series, which will be indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, and Scopus. CCIS volumes are also submitted for inclusion in ISI Proceedings.

Your registration as an author in the DSICT allows you to participate in all the activities of TICEC 2022

Place: Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University – ULEAM, Manta – Ecuador

• Artificial Intelligence
• Information and Communication Technologies
• Software Development
• Data Science
• Technology and environment

You can review more information at the cedia link or write to us at dsict@cedia.org.ec

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