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intellectual property week

For the second edition of the Intellectual Property Week, the theme "Intellectual Property and SMEs: So that ideas reach the market" was addressed.

IP week

With the aim of celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, CEDIA and the National Service of Intellectual Property (SENADI), within the framework of the events of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), annually organize the "Week of Intellectual property".

For the second edition of the Intellectual Property Week, the theme "Intellectual Property and SMEs: So that ideas reach the market" was addressed.

In this event of international scope, the presence of Cecilia Paredes, PhD., President of CEDIA ; Juan Pablo Carvallo, PhD., Executive Director of CEDIA ; Dr. Santiago Cevallos M, General Director of the National Service of Intellectual Rights of SENADI; Eng. César Zambrano, Dean of Research at USFQ; and Luis Alfredo Gárate, Head of Innovation and Technology Transfer;

The event complied with a broad agenda of three days where various calls and programs for CEDIA member universities took place.

This edition left several notable indicators such as the acceptance of 40 proposals, around 600 registrations for the event were received, each event was attended by an average of 100 participants, researchers, teachers, students were present, as well as a significant participation of SMEs and entrepreneurs, as well as representatives of the public sector and independent professionals. It was attended by an international public from: Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico, Spain and Germany.

Additionally, several ITT Programs were launched, including:

Registra Fund
1 to 1 Fund
• Innovation initiatives such as 593 INNOVA for the strategic productive sector
magazine • Presentation of the new trend of the 593 TrendLab

Summarizing, we can mention with pleasure that this edition was a success, reaching the ACADEMY-COMPANY link objectives set by CEDIA and its Innovation area.
