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Interculturality as a public policy in the Ecuadorian university: discourses and practices in the universities of Cuenca, Nacional de Chimborazo and Estatal de Bolívar

General Objective: Analyze the implementation of the public intercultural policy in the Faculties of Education of the University of Cuenca, the National University of Chimborazo and the State University of Bolívar during the period 2019 - 2021, in order to generate inputs for reflection, awareness and decision-making by the actors and sectors related to the problem.

Specific objectives

  • Identify the mechanisms for concretion of the intercultural policies through the analysis of the curricular redesign projects of the careers of the Faculty of Education of the HEIs.
  • Describe the existing conceptions about interculturality and the actions implemented, based on the narrative of the university educational actors: authorities and teachers.
  • Determine the competences developed for the exercise of an intercultural teaching practice from the perception of the students of the faculties of education.
  • Design academic-scientific products in order to provide university actors and sectors involved with tools that motivate discussion and induce the strengthening of intercultural projects offered by HEIs.

Participating Institutions:



Director of the Ángel Rodrigo Japón Gualán project.

  • Jorge Marcelo Quishpe Bolaños
  • Freddy Patricio Cabrera Ortiz
  • Tania Maria Guffante Naranjo
  • Patricia Cecilia Bravo Mancero
  • Carlos Manuel Dominguez Sanchez
  • Oswaldo Zaruma Pilamunga

Awarded budget: $37500,00

Project status: In progress.