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Jose Ramon Gonzalez

"What we have developed is an ecosystem of solutions, which what they do is solve the digital education approach."

José Ramón González, participant of TICAL 2017 Costa Rica is a representative of GRAMMATA EDUCACIÓN.

What we have developed is an ecosystem of solutions, which what they do is solve the digital education approach for universities from the perspective of the modality, what we have implemented are solutions that allow us from a mobile device to have a specifically designed desktop, both for students as well as teachers, so that we can concentrate access to all the tools that are necessary for the learning process. In this context, we are also incorporating elements so that there can be traceability for students and give the university tools so that can make decisions about it.

Many of the systems that exist on the market were designed more than ten years ago, and more than they were designed for the Internet environment and access for browsers, they were not specifically designed for mobility, and they remained in the background, we were born a little later because we have been developing these solutions for around four years, but they are solutions that were developed by and for mobility, it is that ability to learn anywhere, and an ability to integrate into the needs of the university in a model, let's say a recent one based on what they need.

GRAMMATA was born in Spain a long time ago, what we did was evolve it into GRAMMATA Education, as a specialized company, as a kind of Start-up, specifically to be able to create solutions for the university environment, basically what they need, it was born in Granada, and the truth is is that we have been evolving in Latin America in recent years, in addition to the hand of the UTPL and the truth is that we are frankly happy.

The truth is that technology is evolving at such an enormous speed and this, in the end, is a really interesting challenge. One of the main elements that we designed in the mobility environment was to have a universal updater within that desktop concept that I mentioned earlier, in In this sense, we are capable of being able to update every moment that is necessary, so as not to impact the students from the point of view of flooding them with potential on a daily basis, even, if possible, what we do is always synchronize it with the vision of the UTPL, so that technology allows us to make updates and UTPL updates in one way or another; And additionally, another of the fundamental points is that all of our solutions also reside in the cloud, so the fact that they are in the cloud allows us to grow based on the demand and needs that occur at any time so that we can have dynamic updates when needed.

It is completely customized by the institution, in fact let's say that the tools, the solutions represent 80% of the solution, there is a 20% that is measured, that it is necessary to integrate it with the registration systems, with the reporting systems, with everything that is the decision-making scheme that the university has, for which we can say that there is a part that is more about implementation of the solution as such and then there is another part that is about integration and working hand in hand with the part of university technology.