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Open call for projects CEPRA-XVI-2022

To date we have awarded a total of 119 projects at IDi.

08/31/2020 Researchers in a laboratory SPAIN EUROPE MADRID SALUD FARMAINDUSTRIA

This year we launched the XVI call for the Ecuadorian CEPRA Project Competition , which aims to finance research, development and innovation (IDi) projects in all areas of knowledge.

A total of 119 CEPRA projects have been awarded since its first call in 2009, with the participation of 41 CEDIA member institutions, which has allowed the generation of more than 230 publications by the participating researchers. In this way CEDIA contributes to the academic development of Ecuador.

As in the XV call, the projects that are awarded will benefit from the accompaniment in search processes for the state of the art that will help them protect the Intellectual Property of the results of their research.

We invite you to participate in favor of science, to learn more about the application process, bases and more information of interest you can visit the following link .

Remember that the call will be open until June 30, 2021!
