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CEDIA presidential elections period 2021 – 2024

Meet the ideal candidates for the required position.


Last January, after the Ordinary Assembly of CEDIA was held, in which the Rectors and Vice-rectors of the CEDIA member Institutions participated, the call for general elections for the President of the Corporation was made, as well as for the General Assembly. CEDIA period 2021 – 2024.

At said meeting, the call for applications was made, obtaining the following authorities as suitable candidates for the required position:

Photo C. Paredes

Cecilia Paredes Verduga PhD.
Rector of the Higher Polytechnic School of the Coast – ESPOL
Information CV

Nicolay Samaniego Erazo PhD Rector National University of Chimborazo – UNACH Information CV

We thank the academic authorities that have been part of and participated in this electoral process, which will allow us to continue with our efforts in favor of the development of science, technology, and innovation in Ecuador.

We wish the next CEDIA president success.
