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Be part of a day dedicated to Innovation

TICEC 2021 invites you to Innovation Day

Within the framework of the IX Edition of the International Congress of Information and Communication Technologies (TICEC 2021), Innovation Day will take place, a day in which we will have the presence of renowned exhibitors, including Enrique Crespo, representative of CONQUITO, who will present his presentation on: "Smart Specialization, re-thinking the future, experience from the DMQ" and, María Cristina Solís Contact of the Undersecretary of Industrial and Territorial Competitiveness of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries with his presentation "Industrial Clusters as development policy".

This event will take place on Friday, November 26 at the facilities of the María Auxiliadora Campus of the Salesian Polytechnic University, it is worth mentioning that it will have a hybrid modality, if you want to know more about this event you can enter: the following link .
