Tele-rehabilitation platform for older adults with disorders associated with dementia, based on emerging technologies

General Objective: Develop a comprehensive technological platform for telerehabilitation, based on emerging technologies for sensing, visualization and data transmission over the CEDIA , which allows the development of rehabilitation plans to reduce functional and gait limitations in older adults. with disorders associated with dementia.

Specific objectives:

  • Develop a client application, on a virtual environment, for carrying out rehabilitation treatments, which integrates the use of inertial sensors and video depth sensors as elements of interaction, monitoring and analysis of the patient's movement.
  • Develop an application with a service-oriented architecture, for health professionals, that allows the design and remote monitoring of the rehabilitation treatments of patient users of the client application.
  • Develop an application platform in the cloud, on the infrastructure of the CEDIAnetwork, for the storage and analysis of data that allows the integration of telerehabilitation applications and the management of the information generated by them.
  • Design and implement a set of rehabilitation plans for older adults with mobility and gait disorders, associated with dementia, to be implemented under the telerehabilitation modality.
  • Evaluate the performance of the use of the platform in the development of rehabilitation plans for older adults in the populations of Ambato and Guayaquil, aimed at reducing functional limitations and improving gait processes, making use of the CEDIAnetwork.
  • Develop a course for caregivers of older adults, aimed at training in aspects related to support, support and training in rehabilitation treatments in dementia conditions and the use of emerging technologies under the modality of telerehabilitation.
  • Consolidate an Ecuadorian research network for the inclusion of technologies for distance rehabilitation that integrates the members of the CEDIA Network associated with departments of medical sciences, physical therapy, and information and communication technology.

Participating Institutions:

UDA, UTA, UCSG, Metropolitan Technological Institute (External Advisor)


  • Fabian Rodrigo Narvaez Espinoza
  • Hugo Marcelo Torres Salamea
  • Veronica Cobo Sevilla Ricardo
  • Xavier Proano Alulema
  • Maria Augusta Latta Sanchez
  • Stalin Augusto Jurado Auria
  • Maria Magdalena Rosado Alvarez
  • Gloria Mercedes Diaz Cabrera

Awarded budget: $49850

Project status: Finished