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The effects of climate change on mental health: risk analysis of floods in the city of Guayaquil

General Objective: To evaluate the association between mental health and the direct and indirect impacts of floods as a consequence of climate change in the population of the city of Guayaquil.

Specific objectives:

  • Design the sampling method, pilot the instruments and data collection protocol for the collection of information related to mental health in the context of floods in the city of Guayaquil.
    • Indicators: number of instruments and guides available for carrying out data collection (sampling design manual, questionnaire and measurement scales for mental health indicators, data collection protocol).
    • Means of verification: physical or digital documentation of the sampling design manual, questionnaire and measurement scales of mental health indicators, data collection protocol
  • Determine the state of mental health of participants who have received the direct and indirect impact of floods in the city of Guayaquil during the months February-March 2024 characterized by intense precipitation and rising sea levels.
    • Indicator: number of valid observations raised.
    • Means of verification: database with valid observations in csv or sav format, raw files (physical or virtual) of responses to the structured questionnaire of each participant.
  • Using a database, determine the climatic parameters (eg temperature, humidity, precipitation) of different areas of the city of Guayaquil during the months of February-March 2024.
    • Indicator: have two weather stations in the city of Guayaquil that generate data every 5 minutes and are freely accessible.
    • Means of verification: creation of georeferenced individual data table for consultation and intercomparison with sampling information.
  • Estimate mental health indicators, exposure to floods and their associations based on data collected in the population of the city of Guayaquil.
    • Indicator: number of descriptive and correlational results obtained from statistical techniques.
    • Means of verification: report with descriptive and correlational results of the variables collected in R. or ipynb files. of the analyzes carried out.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Paola Jackeline Ochoa Pacheco

  • Byron Fernando Bustamante Granda
  • Maria Del Carmen Lapo Maza
  • Daniel Kleber Moran Zuloaga
  • David Arturo Coello Montecel
  • Michelle Gioconda Tello Sánchez

Awarded budget: $23889,28

Project status: In process