Promotional shorts – Campus Magazine

Soon with you our digital magazine CAMPUS, do not miss the best quarterly milestones of CEDIA in connection with our academic public, contents to be exposed:

Special TICEC 2021
We let you know all the details about the IX Edition of the International Congress of Information and Communication Technologies.

Join us from November 24 to 26 and live the TICEC experience!

More information and registration.


Enjoy the interview with MBA Engineer Alberto Lara Flores, Coordinator of the Business Incubator of the Technical University of Ambato, who tells us about the Free Virtual Service of Tele Consulting in Entrepreneurship offered by the UTA through the Teleassistance platform - BEST EC in connection with CEDIA.

This service trains entrepreneurial people in order to acquire the necessary tools to turn their Innovative Business Idea into an efficient and sustainable Company.
