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TICAL2021 and the 5th E-Science Meeting

The countdown began: Less than a month to go until TICAL2021 and the 5th e-Science Meeting


With the confirmed participation of experts and international authorities, and the expected launch of the connectivity of the BELLA Project, the 11th edition of the TICAL Conference and the 5th of the Latin American Meeting are approaching. The events will begin on the morning of Monday, August 30 and will run until Thursday, September 2, virtually and free for the second year.

The task of rethinking the University driven by digital technologies will be carried out by a qualified team of international experts. The General Director of the Human Brain Project, Paweł Świeboda, has already confirmed their participation in TICAL2021; the Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC), Francesc Pedró; the Professor of the University of California Davis, Martin Hilbert; the Director of the Center for Collective Learning of the Institute of Artificial and Natural Intelligence of the University of Toulouse, César A. Hidalgo; and the Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil, Astronaut Marcos Pontes.

In addition to the plenary sessions, where the international panelists will share their experiences and knowledge with the audience at the conferences, TICAL and e-Ciencia will offer attendees a varied program of activities, with the presentation of papers in parallel sessions, training workshops, round tables and the official launch of the connectivity of the BELLA Project (Building Europe Link to Latin America), basic infrastructure – with the support of the European Commission and the academic networks GÉANT, GARR, FCCN, DFN, RedIRIS, RENATER, RENATA, REUNA , RNP, CEDIA and RedCLARA – which will directly connect Europe with Latin America through the EllaLink submarine cable.

Remember: Registration is free and can be done right now at tical2021.redclara.net , where you can also obtain more information about the panelists, the program and the preparations for the most relevant meeting of ICT directors in Latin America. Guarantee your participation right now and join us in this journey.

Additionally, we invite you to participate in several sessions and presentations which will be in charge of Ecuadorian institutions, such as the IKIAM University, which will present its research work on the Interconnected Data Laboratory, Ecuador, in addition to its presentation called: Amazon science and culture, dissemination of cultural heritage in the time of COVID using Web 2.0 tools, Ecuador.

On the other hand, we will have a CEDIA delegation present at the congress, in the TICALSec sessions (Sessions on Cybersecurity) in which our CSIRT will participate in the event: Meeting of Academic and Institutional CSIRTs of the NRENs members of Red CLARA

To end our participation we will have the presence of the President of the Corporation, Dr. Cecilia Paredes, at the round table: Women in the Network.

We will wait for you!

Source: RedCLARA
