Master's Degree in Development Strategies and Technologies: Cooperation in a Changing World / 2024-03-14

Carolina Foundation and Polytechnic University of Madrid The Master's Degree in Strategies and Technologies for Development: Cooperation in a Changing World aims to train specialists in the identification and application of approaches and solutions of mixed, technical and social orientation, to problems of the development and international cooperation. The graduate will achieve training that will allow him or her to understand the complex causes that underlie poverty and inequality, and that will make it possible to confront the difficulties that oppose the progress of the most disadvantaged populations. Graduates will be able to intervene in an informed, rigorous and relevant manner in the identification, planning, management, execution and evaluation of policies, programs, or human development projects whose impact is linked to the adequacy and relevance of the technical options used. They will be able to establish specifications and objectives of technical innovation appropriate to the conditions required for its assimilation.
