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Resources: Videos of the TICAL2021 sessions and the 5th Latin American meeting of E-Science are now available online

RedCLARA and CEDIA invite you to review them

There were four days of event, with talks by experts such as Pawel Swieboda and Martin Hilbert, the launch of the connectivity of the BELLA Program and the presentations of innovative ICT works from all over Latin America. Now, the recordings of everything that happened in the plenary and parallel sessions of the TICAL2021 Conference and the 5th Latin American Meeting of e-Science, held between August 30 and September 2, are available to be reviewed and enjoyed at the RedCLARA channel on YouTube.

Throughout its four days, TICAL and e-Ciencia discussed the theme "Rethinking the university driven by digital technologies" and brought together more than 1,000 attendees on the virtual platform that hosted the events, in a total of almost 1400 hours of broadcast content. In addition to the videos of the plenary sessions (which are available in Spanish, Portuguese and English) and the parallel sessions, the recordings of the RUTE-AL and Café CIO workshops are also on the platform.

The events were organized by RedCLARA and the BELLA Program, with the technological experience of Click Group and the support of the Internet Society, Cirrus Identity, BeduTech/Google, SCALAC, Amazon Web Services and CloudHesive Latam.

To review the content of the sessions, visit the RedCLARA channel on YouTube .

For more information about TICAL2021, visit the following link

You can also review the works awarded by the Science program

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