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Workshop presentation at the First Virtual Symposium LAC2021

Workshop focused on better understanding the actions of potential attackers.


The CSIRT CEDIA presents the workshop "How to visualize and take advantage of data from a honeypot" at the 2021 FIRST Virtual Symposium to be held virtually within the framework of LACNIC35.

Topics such as:

• Implementation of a honeypot
• Configuration of the honeypot to send data to a remote syslog
• Implementation of the remote syslog with the capacity to process and visualize the information received
• Generation and visualization for data analysis

Aimed at security teams in the region in this important area of ​​cybersecurity, which allows us to capture, collect and analyze malicious traffic in a honeypot, in order to better understand the actions of potential attackers on our networks.

Participate in this completely free event at the following link .
