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Zoom becomes the best option for telework and teleeducation in times of covid-19

The HEI members of CEDIA generate about 26,188 meetings that are generated weekly by the ZOOM platform.


CEDIA informs its members that they have at their disposal the ZOOM videoconference software. This platform allows users to hold high-quality teleconferences, developing productive sessions from their homes without removing "the human" from a communication.

Zoom is a video conferencing platform used for meetings, conferences, webinars, virtual classes, and live chat. Currently, it is the most used application nationally and internationally, ZOOM supports up to 300 people in the same room with accounts within the CEDIA portal, differentiating them in Basic or Pro (licensed). If you require help with the installation and use of the platform, we ask you to enter the following link where you will find a quick and easy guide, as well as its user manual:

ZOOM platform user manual: https://www. cedia .edu.ec/es/publicaciones/manuales
Video tutorial on how to use the application: https: //bit.ly/2L1FQ6A

Additionally, we comment to our academic community that the use of the zoom platform has grown exponentially due to the contingency that the world is going through. CEDIA on its portal at the beginning of March 2020 had 122 active users, that is, they used ZOOM recurrently. To date CEDIA has around 6,000 active users who use the platform throughout Ecuador. Another figure of interest is surely the number of sessions or meetings generated during this period, which amounts to around 26,188 weekly meetings.

The graphs show us the number of meetings for March and April 2020 per day.

If your institution wishes to learn more about ZOOM or make use of the application, please contact: noc@ cedia .org.ec or info@ cedia .org.ec
