Update available from May 30, 2020.

The Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia- CEDIA informs all its members that as of May 30, the ZOOM conference platform will launch a forced update, which aims to provide all users of this tool with improvements. that contribute to its execution and daily security in its management.
Said update will be notified to users who currently have the previous version; When the user wants to join a ZOOM meeting or session, an alert will pop up with the new ZOOM 5.0 update since GCM encryption will be fully enabled on the platform.
In case you want to download and use the ZOOM 5.0 update, you can enter: https://zoom.us/download?zcid=1231 or if you want to know more details about the improvements of the tool, we ask you to enter: https ://zoom.us/docs/en-us/zoom-v5-0.html