Santiago Ruilova

Virtual Environment for Teaching and Learning Robotics Applied to Industrial Processes. Virtual Simulator for the Taking and Evaluation of Psychometric Tests to Obtain a Driver’s License

Estado Culminado Investigador Jessica Ortiz Universidad ESPE Congreso International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (SALENTO AVR 2019) Lugar del evento Sta. María de Bagno – Italia Fecha del evento 24-27 junio, 2019 Presupuesto adjudicado $4520

Virtual Environment for Teaching and Learning Robotics Applied to Industrial Processes. Virtual Simulator for the Taking and Evaluation of Psychometric Tests to Obtain a Driver’s License Leer más »

Implementation of Dubin curves-based RRT* using an Serial image for the determination of obstacles and path planning to avoid them during displacement of the mobile robot

Estado Culminado Investigador Daniel Tenezaca Universidad ESPE Congreso MICRADS’19 – La Conferencia Internacional Multidisciplinaria de Investigación Aplicada a la Defensa y Seguridad Lugar del evento Río- Brasil Fecha del evento 8-10 mayo, 2019 Presupuesto adjudicado $2808

Implementation of Dubin curves-based RRT* using an Serial image for the determination of obstacles and path planning to avoid them during displacement of the mobile robot Leer más »

Hybrid Procedure for measuring Usability of management systems in Higher Education – Detección de Botnets en logs DNS utilizando Aprendizaje Automático

Estado Culminado Investigador Hybrid Procedure for measuring Usability of management systems in Higher Education Félix Fernández Hybrid Procedure for measuring Usability of management systems in Higher Education.Detección de Botnets en logs DNS utilizando Aprendizaje AutomáticoJean Michel Clairand Universidad UDLA Congreso 14° Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información. CISTI’2019Félix Fernández IEEE PES ISGT

Hybrid Procedure for measuring Usability of management systems in Higher Education – Detección de Botnets en logs DNS utilizando Aprendizaje Automático Leer más »