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Circular Challenges award event

More than 140 proposals were received, of which the 15 best applications were selected. On June 2, the Circular Challenges program awards event was held, an event which included the participation of representatives of the German Technical Cooperation – GIZ and of the Vice Ministers of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, […]

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ESTALMAT headquarters Guayas

1st Call As part of the ESTALMAT project (STIMULUS FOR MATHEMATICAL TALENT), CEDIA with the support of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences has been carrying out since 2019 to continuously detect, guide and stimulate the exceptional mathematical talent of students 12-13 years old. The selection process was carried out

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Call AVANTE Fund

Learn how we finance training for researchers The AVANTE FUND, previously known as the Ecuadorian Training Competition for Researchers members of the CECIRA Advanced Network, was born with the purpose of financing training that promotes the development of skills and training of human talent in areas of interest. of CEDIA member institutions. AIM

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book launch

CEDIA launches its second academic book written by researchers from UNACH, ESPE, YACHAY, ESPAM Last May, the book Communicational modeling of genetic expression and protein transport was launched through an end-to-end digital transmission system, collaborative work between several CEDIA member institutions, this

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