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Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy. CEDIA is the Ecuadorian National Research and Education Network – RNIE (NREN for its acronym in English). CEDIA, the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia, promotes the exploration and results of innovative projects that link Ecuadorian institutions. To do this, we connect researchers, teachers and students through projects, contests and scientific development initiatives. In this way, a circle of constant growth is generated between academic institutions.


We are a non -profit organization that promotes research, science and academia in Ecuador. We facilitate the articulation and collaboration between the actors of the science, technology and innovation ecosystem (CTI) through an advanced infrastructure and innovative programs. We work to transform challenges into sustainable opportunities, strengthening knowledge capabilities and enhancing academic development at national and international level.

Connecting ideas, transforming societies


We promote innovation and sustainable development through collaboration and support for the construction of an inclusive and accessible research ecosystem, we unite talents and resources to address the challenges of our society with creative and effective solutions.


Weaving a network of innovative collaboration to turn global challenges into sustainable and transformative opportunities.



Our management is verifiable and available for review, we respond to the trust placed.


Every resource is our priority. We handle all of them optimally and responsibly.

Human talent

It is our most precious resource. We have a highly qualified and creative human team that we care for and train continuously.

Collaborative work

We firmly believe in networking, which we apply with our collaborators and member institutions. Mutual support allows us to achieve our goals.


We create the future by pushing the limits of who we are and what we do, through cutting-edge infrastructure and deep knowledge.


We focus our management on meeting the various requirements of our members, providing efficient solutions to their needs.


our creation

The work meeting for the creation of a National Consortium for Advanced Internet Development (CEDIA) was held.

Officialization of our creation

In the presence of the Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador and the National Secretary of Science and Technology, CEDIA was officially created.

We are part of Red Clara

Ecuador, through CEDIA , was part of the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA Network).

Advanced Network Connection

It is possible to connect CEDIA, by means of a submarine cable, to the Santiago de Chile node of Red CLARA, through a 10 Mbps connection

Connection optimization

The consortium has 155 Mbps in the Advanced Network for connection with the CLARA Network and 22 stm-1 of Commercial Internet capacity.

CEDIA grows

CEDIA reinforces its message and mission by transforming its graphic image into RED CEDIA, the National Research and Education Network of Ecuador.

Implementation of our network

CEDIA implements its own IP/MPLS network, which is connected to the US and through which it carries the Advanced Network and Commercial Internet traffic.

Now we are a corporation

CEDIA is constituted as the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy.

Now we are a corporation


CEDIA is constituted as the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy.
Implementation of our network


CEDIA implements its own IP/MPLS network, which is connected to the US and through which it carries the Advanced Network and Commercial Internet traffic.
The migration to this new network constitutes a challenge and at the same time a milestone to be met by each one of our members. This project marks the beginning of new capabilities to improve our connectivity services. Through this implementation we are part of Bella-T; which complements RedCLARA's terrestrial infrastructure with the capacity of multiple channels that guarantee comprehensive capillarity for the use of the research and education communities in Latin America.
CEDIA grows



CEDIA reinforces its message and mission by transforming its graphic image into RED CEDIA, the National Research and Education Network of Ecuador.


Generating not only new services for its more than 35 members, but also standing out internationally with recognition for its innovation and inclusion processes after joining the network of public and private institutions, such as: universities, polytechnic schools, research institutes, technological institutes and colleges.

Connection optimization



The consortium has 155 Mbps in the Advanced Network for connection with the CLARA Network and 22 stm-1 of Commercial Internet capacity.

Advanced Network Connection



It was possible to connect CEDIA, by means of a submarine cable, to the Santiago de Chile node of Red CLARA, through a 10 Mbps connection.

We are part of Red Clara



Ecuador, through CEDIA , was part of the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA Network).

Creation officialization


In the presence of the Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador and the National Secretary of Science and Technology, CEDIA was officially created.
For proof of the formation, at that time, consortium, signed the representatives of: Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, National Polytechnic School, Higher Polytechnic School of the Litoral, University of the Armed Forces, Santiago de Guayaquil Catholic University, National University of Loja, Private Technical University of Loja, Public Institute for Aquaculture and Fisheries Research, Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Navy, plus the signatures of the legal representatives of SENACYT, CONATEL and the Constitutional Vice Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador. CEDIA 's statute was approved by the Undersecretary of Education of Ecuador and officially registered on January 6, 2003.
our creation


The work meeting for the creation of a National Consortium for the Development of Advanced Internet (CEDIA) was held.
Delegates from eight national higher education institutions were present at this session, as well as representatives of advanced networks from Mexico (CUDI), Brazil (RNP) and the United States (Internet2). At this meeting a letter was signed explaining the intention to create the Consortium.