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Santiago Ruilova

Postgraduate scholarships and complementary support for national medical specialties, in Cuba and abroad / 2024-08-30

National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt)
Call for people of Mexican or foreign nationality admitted or enrolled in medical specialty programs in Mexico; to people of Mexican nationality who are interested in pursuing a medical specialty program in Cuba, and to people of Mexican nationality admitted or enrolled in medical specialty programs abroad to participate in the selection process to obtain a Postgraduate Scholarship or support complementary.

Postgraduate scholarships and complementary support for national medical specialties, in Cuba and abroad / 2024-08-30 Read more »

Master's degrees at the Higher School of Engineering and Technology at UNIR / 2024-08-20

Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
The Universidad Internacional de La Rioja will grant 20 exemptions to Colombian university professionals for master's studies at the UNIR Higher School of Engineering and Technology. The program is aimed at Colombian university professionals in areas directly related to the programs offered by UNIR, who have professional experience in the area of ​​the program to be carried out or who work in public or private entities in topics directly related to the program to be carried out. Applicants must have final admission from UNIR.

Master's degrees at the Higher School of Engineering and Technology at UNIR / 2024-08-20 Read more »

Masters in Health Sciences at UNIR / 2024-08-20

Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
The Universidad Internacional de La Rioja will award 15 scholarships to Colombian university professionals for master's studies in health sciences. The program is aimed at Colombian university professionals in health sciences, who have professional experience in the area of ​​the program to be carried out or who work in public or private entities in topics directly related to the program to be carried out. Applicants must have final admission from UNIR.

Masters in Health Sciences at UNIR / 2024-08-20 Read more »

Postgraduate Scholarships for Masters and Doctorates in Art and Culture Abroad / 2024-08-16

National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt) and the Ministry of Culture and the Foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts (FINBA).
The National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and the Foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts (FINBA), presents the call \»Creation and knowledge towards the future\» to award scholarships postgraduate courses for culture and art professionals aimed at Mexican citizens who have been admitted or are enrolled in face-to-face master's or doctoral programs abroad and who have been pre-selected in the first stage of evaluation by the Education Support System. Creation and Cultural Projects (SACPC). The call covers a wide range of priority areas in art and culture, such as architecture, visual arts, dance, design, music, theater, cultural studies, and specializations related to Fine Arts, among others. The main benefits of this scholarship include monthly financial support for maintenance, payment of health insurance, and annual tuition coverage.

Postgraduate Scholarships for Masters and Doctorates in Art and Culture Abroad / 2024-08-16 Read more »

Call for Undergraduate Scholarships of the Federal University of Latin American Integration -UNILA- / 2024-07-29

Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)
UNILA is located in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, on the border with Paraguay and Argentina. 480 places are offered in 29 undergraduate courses to citizens of 32 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Because it is a federal public university, training is free in all majors.

Call for Undergraduate Scholarships from the Federal University of Latin American Integration -UNILA- / 2024-07-29 Read more »

UNILA Scholarships in Brazil, 2025 / 2024-07-29

Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)
The UNILA Scholarships in Brazil, 2025, are focused on Latin American and Caribbean students, with the exception of those of Brazilian nationality. They are intended for those who completed their secondary education outside Brazil and are seeking opportunities to pursue degree studies at UNILA. In addition, it is a requirement that they do not have an active link with UNILA degree programs and must be at least 18 years old at the time of online pre-registration. Applicants must prove their understanding of Spanish or Portuguese, unless they are natives of a Spanish-speaking country, and those from non-Spanish-speaking countries must demonstrate their linguistic competence through internationally recognized certifications. The main objectives of the scholarships are to select Latin American and Caribbean students, excluding Brazilians, to pursue degree studies at UNILA and to promote educational and cultural integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.

UNILA Scholarships in Brazil, 2025 / 2024-07-29 Read more »

The Executive Directorate of CEDIA strengthens ties in the north of the country

Three member universities and the Diplomatic School of the Foreign Ministry of Ecuador were visited. At the beginning of this new year, the Executive Directorate of CEDIA made a productive visit to the north of the country. During this day, the delegation visited the Diplomatic School of the Foreign Ministry of Ecuador, where opportunities for collaboration aimed at

The Executive Directorate of CEDIA strengthens ties in the north of the country Read more »

CEDIA participated in the EENTITLE event held in Portugal

The event is a momentous milestone for the development of capabilities in engineering educators. Within the framework of the Ecuadorian Engineering Educators Capacity Development and Recognition (EENTITLE) event, an international initiative focused on strengthening academic excellence in the field of engineering, various universities and institutions from Portugal, Germany and Ecuador came together to

CEDIA participated in the EENTITLE event held in Portugal Read more »

CEDIA participated in the annual meeting of the Erasmus + program of the European Union

The Corporation was representing the Ecuadorian higher education ecosystem. For three days CEDIA participated in the annual meeting of Erasmus National Offices, National Agencies and Erasmus Focal Points held in Brussels – Belgium. In this space, collaboration alliances were promoted to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus program.

CEDIA participated in the annual meeting of the European Union's Erasmus + program Read more »