IDi XVIII 2023

Study of the seroprevalence and analysis of risk factors of three respiratory diseases in wild aquatic birds and in domestic birds in two Andean areas of Ecuador.

General Objective: Determine the seroprevalence and analysis of risk factors associated with three respiratory diseases (Newcastle, Avian Infectious Bronchitis and Avian Influenza type A) in wild aquatic birds and domestic birds in two Andean areas of Ecuador through immunoenzymatic tests. (ELISA) and agglutination. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCE, ESPE, UTC.

Study of the seroprevalence and analysis of risk factors of three respiratory diseases in wild aquatic birds and in domestic birds in two Andean areas of Ecuador. Read more "

Development of food packaging materials with antioxidant properties from capulí extract (Prunus serotina)

General Objective: Develop an eco-friendly food packaging material with antioxidant capacity from capouli extract (Prunus serotina). Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UNACH, ESPOCH, ESPE. Participants: Project director Cristian Javier Patiño Vidal Awarded budget: $27,613.00 Project status: In process

Development of food packaging materials with antioxidant properties from capouli extract (Prunus serotina) Read more »

Liquid biopsy as a possible alternative to fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer in Ecuadorian women self-identified as mestizo.

General Objective: To evaluate the use of liquid biopsy as a possible diagnostic method for thyroid cancer in Ecuadorian women who self-identify as mixed race. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTE, UEB, U CUENCA. Participants: Project director Ana Karina Zambrano Espinosa Awarded budget: $27,923.20 Project status: In process

Liquid biopsy as a possible alternative to fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer in Ecuadorian women self-identified as mestizo. Read more "

The effects of climate change on mental health: risk analysis of floods in the city of Guayaquil

General Objective: Evaluate the association between mental health and the direct and indirect impacts of floods as a consequence of climate change in the population of the city of Guayaquil Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: ESPOL, UTPL, UCSG. Participants: Project director Paola Jackeline Ochoa Pacheco Awarded budget: $23,889.28 Project status: In process

The effects of climate change on mental health: risk analysis of floods in the city of Guayaquil Read more »

The ocean, the pharmacy of the future: Marine bacteria as an alternative to combat pathogens from the aquaculture industry

General Objective: Study the mechanism of action of compounds derived from marine bacteria, capable of inhibiting the growth and pathogenicity of V. parahaemolyticus, in order to evaluate their potential use in products for the control of infections of this aquaculture pathogen in farming systems. crop. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: IKIAM, ESPL, YACHAY. Participants: Director

The ocean, the pharmacy of the future: Marine bacteria as an alternative to combat pathogens from the aquaculture industry Read more »

Construction of a coaxial electrospinning equipment with electrostatic deflection for the fabrication of microstructures: Application to supercapacitors

General Objective: Build a two-component coaxial electrospinning equipment with computer-controlled electrostatic deflection that allows the manufacturing of microstructured electrodes for supercapacitors. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: EPN, ESPOCH, YACHAY. Participants: Project Director Cristian Patricio Santacruz Terán Budget awarded: $37,100.00 Project status: In process

Construction of a coaxial electrospinning equipment with electrostatic deflection for the fabrication of microstructures: Application to supercapacitors Read more »

Development of a phenylalanine and tyrosine detection system using prokaryotic genetic circuits

General Objective: Develop a prototype of a genetic circuit, using the model organism E.coli, in order to achieve an efficient and simple detection of the amino acids Phe and Tyr. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: USFQ, U CUENCA, UTPL. Participants: Project Director Vanessa Isabel Romero Aguilar Budget awarded: $49,500.00 Project status: In process

Development of a phenylalanine and tyrosine detection system using prokaryotic genetic circuits Read more »

Evaluation and optimization of satellite precipitation and temperature products in binational basins of Ecuador and Peru.

General Objective: The objective of this project is to evaluate and optimize precipitation and temperature satellite products using surface meteorological information in order to generate a reliable database for application in environmental and hydrological studies in the binational basins between Ecuador and Peru Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UNL,

Evaluation and optimization of satellite precipitation and temperature products in binational basins of Ecuador and Peru. Read more "

Development of a multicomponent nanostructure for intracellular delivery of anti-miR-33 in a cellular model of foam cells (macrophages): an experimental perspective of nanomedicine in atherosclerosis

General Objective: Develop a multicomponent nanostructure for the intracellular delivery of anti-miR-33 in a cellular model of foam cells (macrophages): an experimental perspective of nanomedicine in atherosclerosis. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: ESPE, USFQ, UTPL, CLY DENT SA Participants: Project Director Rodrigo Marcelo Grijalva Silva Awarded Budget: $30,788.27 Project Status: In process

Development of a multicomponent nanostructure for intracellular delivery of anti-miR-33 in a cellular model of foam cells (macrophages): an experimental perspective of nanomedicine in atherosclerosis Read more »