IDi Universities Fund

Prevalence, geotyping and effects of human papillomavirus on sperm quality of men attending a fertility clinic in the city of Cenca

General Objective: Determine the prevalence, genotypes and effects of human papillomavirus on the quality of sperm in men treated in a fertility clinic and its association with alterations in semen parameters and sperm DNA fragmentation. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: U CUENCA, UDA, IKIAM. Participants: Project Director Vivian Alejandra […]

Prevalence, geotyping and effects of human papillomavirus on sperm quality of men attending a fertility clinic in the city of Cenca Read more »

National inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and criteria pollutants in mobile sources

General Objective: Estimate the national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and criterion pollutants in mobile sources. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: ESPCH, EPN, UDA. Participants: Project director Luis Eduardo Tipanluisa Sarchi Awarded budget: $39,575.31 Project status: In process

National inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and criteria pollutants in mobile sources Read more »

Production of bovine embryos through recombinant biotechnology and cloning as a new strategy for optimizing livestock performance

General Objective: Optimize assisted reproduction techniques based on superovulation, cloning and transfer of embryos produced in vivo in order to improve genetic lines in order to increase productivity in cattle. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTC, USFQ, UNL, INIAY. Participants: Project Director Miguel Angel Gutierrez Reinoso Awarded Budget: $33,000.00 Status of

Production of bovine embryos through recombinant biotechnology and cloning as a new strategy for optimizing livestock performance Read more »

Group decision-making model for risk management and territory planning, based on susceptibility to mass movements generated through quantitative techniques. Case study: Province of Azuay

General Objective: Contribute to the strengthening and modernization of the National Risk Management System of Ecuador, in the prevention, mitigation and monitoring phases, through a group decision-making model based on the susceptibility of the territory to mass movements generated through of quantitative techniques. Case study: Province of Azuay. Goals

Group decision-making model for risk management and territory planning, based on susceptibility to mass movements generated through quantitative techniques. Case study: Province of Azuay Read more »

Development of recycled wood connections for the structural use of bamboo in sustainable construction in Ecuador

General Objective: Make available for sustainable construction with bamboo a system of structural connections made with recycled wood that reduces the use of materials such as cement and metals. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: IKIAM, UTA, ESPOCH. Participants: Project director Jorge Alejandro Batres Quevedo Awarded budget: $43,713.50 Project status: In process

Development of recycled wood connections for the structural use of bamboo in sustainable construction in Ecuador Read more »

Functional diets based on carotenoids derived from two species of microalgae to improve the productivity and health of fish (oncorhynchus mykiss) in initial stages

General Objective: Evaluate the carotenoid content in the microalgae Spirulina, and Dunaliella sp. and their impact as functional diets in fish during their initial stages. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UPSE, EBPE, EUB. Participants: Project Director Isabel Janeth Galarza Tipán Budget awarded: $32,999.90 Project status: In process

Functional diets based on carotenoids derived from two species of microalgae to improve the productivity and health of fish (oncorhynchus mykiss) in initial stages Read more »

Modeling of biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer

General Objective: Model biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: ESPOCH, UNACH, UTI. Participants: Project Director José Luis Morales Gordon Budget awarded: $37,380.00 Project status: In process

Modeling of biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer Read more »

Development of a botanical pesticide prototype validated in corn cultivation

General Objective: Develop a prototype of a botanical pesticide from J. curcas and P. alliacea, validating it in corn cultivation. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTM, UTEQ, UTA, ESPAM. Participants: Project Director Dorys Terezinha Chirinos Torres Awarded Budget: $35009.70 Project Status: Completed

Development of a botanical pesticide prototype validated in corn cultivation Read more »

First aquatic mesocosm station in the Amazon region for the assessment of the risk of contaminants and climate change: from research to water resources management.

General Objective: Characterize the resilience of the biodiversity of the tropical aquatic ecosystems of the Ecuadorian Amazon to exposure by contaminants and the effects of climate change, through experimental mesocosm trials. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: IKIAM, UTN, UTPL, UV, UNAM. Participants: Project Director Hugo Mauricio Ortega Andrade Awarded budget: $30,000.00 Project status:

First aquatic mesocosm station in the Amazon region for the assessment of the risk of contaminants and climate change: from research to water resources management. Read more "