III edition of the Intellectual Property week
This year the theme "Intellectual Property and youth: Innovating for a better future 2022" was presented, as every year CEDIA once again joins the global celebration of Intellectual Property Day.

First connectivity tests of the BELLA project in the Ecuador – Panama section with a capacity of 300 GBPS
BELLA Project (GEANT – RedCLARA – CEDIA) CEDIA is part of the BELLA program, which makes it possible to strengthen connectivity between Latin America and Europe with high capacities (in the order of Nx100G) to promote the

II Innova Moocs Contest
An innovative learning and teaching The InnovaMOOC Contest was born with the purpose of promoting a culture of teaching and learning in the member institutions of the country, thus supporting the design, creation and production

Official launch of the Intellectual Property Week II Edition
Through a press conference together with UTPL, the event was developed With the aim of celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and

Participate in the Call For Papers for the Technical Track and Scientific Track of TICEC 2022
Find out how to obtain financing for scientific and applied research CEDIA and the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - ULEAM, invite the scientific community to present their scientific articles in the Call for papers

ESTALMAT Ecuador participant visits ESTALMAT Spain
As part of the recognition of his performance, he participated in an annual meeting of ESTALMAT ESTALMAT is a project to ENCOURAGE MATHEMATICAL TALent that has been developed in Spain since 1998. This project was

Roadmap for the creation of Scientific-Technological-based enterprises in Higher Education institutions of Ecuador
The creation of spin-offs in the university environment is considered The winning project of the CEPRA XV-2021 call "Towards a systemic model for the creation of scientific-technological ventures in institutions

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