Call for Intellectual Property Connect brigades
CEDIA supports researchers in the generation of Intellectual Property processes CEDIA and its area of Innovation and Technology Transfer invite CEDIA member researchers to participate in the Call for Brigades

Closing of projects Fund 1ª1 2020: ESPOCH – RIOFIBER
Rural areas of Chimborazo will benefit from this project. We are pleased to inform you that we are in the final phase of the projects of the first call for the Fund 1st 1st edition 2020, whose

CEDIAcall: TICEC 2022 congress venue
The most important ICT congress seeks a venue in 2022 During the last years, the advancement of Information Technologies has reached a point where, virtually, it is supporting all

First national meeting between researchers and librarians «Democratization and Strengthening of access to Scientific information in Ecuador»
Event that seeks to generate spaces for discussion and solutions to strengthen access to information In recent years, Ecuadorian educational institutions have made great efforts to provide access to academic information

CEDIA implements WAF service for its member Institutions
Through 4 teams in Quito and Guayaquil we provide a high availability service. This month HA was implemented in the CEDIAWAF service, thus providing high availability

Ecuadorian Scientists are favored through Competitive Funds
Projects CEPRA XVI – Selection phase concluded After an arduous task on the part of applicants, the Committee of International Evaluators, the Academic Commission and the CEDIAPMO, the selection phase of projects was completed

Fondo Registra Program completes successful patent registration process
IKIAM Regional University completed the process to request the registration of the first patent As part of the impulse of the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy - CEDIA to improve the indicators

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