Edición Banano It is the first laboratory of technological trends in Ecuador, a sample that it is possible to bring together in the same space students, researchers, entrepreneurs, businessmen and the public sector (quadruple helix) to analyze trends
WOLFRAM licenses
As of September 15, they will be available on demand by our members. As of September 15, 2021, Wolfram licenses will no longer be active within the CEDIAservice package.
Announcement CEPRA XVI call
Change of date for notification of winning projects The CEPRA XVI call began on May 1, 2021 and had a maximum date of application until June 30, 2021, in said call
Divulga Ciencia opens its call
Apply to this funding call until October 31, 2021 CEDIA invites you to be part of the Divulga Ciencia program, which aims to finance travel and registration expenses
EU-RESINFRA and Horizon Europe identify cooperation research groups with European Institutions
Through a survey, entities carry out the gathering of information The Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks - RedCLARA finds a process of gathering information for the development of projects in the region, in order to
In this edition CEDIA takes a next step by identifying strategic productive sectors of the country
Innovating the banana production sector In our section, an expert says, we have Pablo Vega Buccicardi, Director of the Center for Innovation and Circular Economy - CIEC and Melanie Valencia, CIEC Senior Advisor. CEDIA
Policy for the use of CEDIA.ZOOM rooms
We promote the appropriate and responsible use of the platform. CEDIA with the purpose of promoting an adequate and consistent use of the ZOOM video conference tool, the same one that is used by more than
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