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Information and Communication Technologies in the Training of Health Professionals

General Objective: Organize, implement and evaluate a training program on the use of ICTs in four Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Universities of Cuenca, Loja, Autónoma de los Andes and Nacional del Chimborazo, to demonstrate its impact on learning and values ​​in the formative process.

Specific objectives:

  • Prepare a diagnosis of the knowledge and practices of teachers, students and employees on the management of ICTs for the search, development and dissemination of resources and content that are used in undergraduate and postgraduate academic activities.
  • Develop a training program on the use of ICTs, aimed at teachers, teaching assistants and employees linked to teaching, research and community service, based on the diagnosis.
  • Implement and adapt the infrastructure (hardware and software) necessary for the preparation of modules and sections to support teaching, research, links with the local community and the international scientific community, management, community education and continuous training for professionals in the health.
  • Compare before and after training:
    • Infrastructure available in the institution.
    • ICTs that they use for the search, elaboration and dissemination of resources and contents.
    • Changes in learning, such as: skills, forms, styles, rhythms, interactivity, teleworking.
    • Values ​​in the training process, motivation, discipline, social commitment (edu-community communication).
    • Support networks and exchange of information, integration, teamwork.


  • UCUENCA: PhD. Jose Ortiz Segarra
  • UNL: Mst. Maria Sanchez
  • UNIANDES: Dr. Octavio Miranda

Awarded budget: $40000

Project status: Closed