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The platform that links academia with industry.


The free access portal, called RETEC ( Red de Recursos Tecnológicos ), has been created with the purpose of publicizing the offer of technological services and products developed by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), as well as the demand of by the public and private sectors of the country. Said portal was developed by CEDIA with the support of the Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation - SENESCYT.

This platform is a fundamental tool to effectively link academia with industry, and position Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the innovation ecosystem at the national level.

To feed the RETEC , each institution must name a manager who uploads the information on the services and other products generated by the institution.
CEDIA will give a special recognition to the institution and manager most committed to the growth of the platform. This recognition that consists of 300 places for the university for online training courses and a Tablet for its manager; the decision will be based on the number of relevant offers uploaded by the institutions to the platform. Managers will be able to upload the information until June 11, 2021.

CEDIA website , while the award event will be on June 30 through an online broadcast on Facebook.
CEDIA 's training session for managers begins on May 12 and ends on May 14, 2021.

in cedia you can contact info@cedia.org.ec
